It is never simple. Never easy. You don’t control it. You become a mere player. The strings are pulled by a council of family members headed by the parents, the grand parents and the rest.

Take for example my engagement:

We (she and I) wanted it to be a simple affair. We just wanted to get engaged for the kick of it; she wanted to go around telling people and showing off her ring, and I wanted her to be happy. Now, it has boomeranged into a major ceremony. It is like almost conducting a wedding mind you. Her parents are doing the running around, fixing the menu for the engagement lunch etc. The last estimate revealed that there could 100+ people at the engagement. No, don’t get me wrong, I am happy, I am thrilled, I am just telling you how your plans could go haywire.

Now, if you are a Hindu brahmin boy marrying a hindu non-brahmin girl; things just become complex. There’s always communication between the two families: ‘wedding ceremony, your type or ours?’ ‘mangal suthr, your type or ours or both?’ and so on. We are lucky in that sense; both families are very broadminded and accommodate each other very well.

Coming back to logistics check this out:

1) Accommodation for outstation guests

2) Food for outstation guests

3) Pick-up and drop for outstation guests

4) Lunch menu

5) Hall booking

6) Hiring a priest

7) Buy engagement clothes for the groom (to be) and bride (to be)

Well that’s only for the engagement. If you are not from India and you are wondering what the heck is going on around here… Well, that’s how we do our weddings here. Even our simplest wedding would grand in your eyes.

Ok, now her folks wanted to book the wedding hall for the marriage. Guess how much you got to pay for a decent place in Bangalore? Nothing less then 80-90 thousand rupees. I was stunned. Well, ok more on this as it unfolds. In the meantime, if you want to be notified through e-mail about the happenings in the run-up to the wedding and the wedding itself, subscribe to this blog. Look top-right. Do you see a subscribe form? yea, that’s it. I am gonna get my fiance to blog on this site as well.

Ok, If you are in Bangalore do drop by the engagement hall. I will be posting the location, timing information here very soon.

Write to me: suman (at) sumankumar(dot)com

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