The snow-capped mountains far away add a hazy mystery to this sunny-yet-cold town. I saw remnants of a snowfall this morning when walking to work. Went for lunch to a Mid-east restaurant that serves Syrian food; had a ‘vegio’ – rice, greens, salad(mint leaves!), cutlet-look alikes and a juicy, out-of-this-world, lip-smacking dessert. Whoa! I managed to pack in so much! Given I reached only last evening and slept for only 3 hours. The flights (mumbai-London-Denver British Airways) were all right but I wonder why the hell they don’t ever give us enough leg-room!

More later as Denver unfolds herself to me; why does it have to be a she or a herself always! Men! I mean straight men!

Write to me: suman ‘at’ sumankumar ‘dot’ com

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